Tuesday, April 17, 2007

The Blahs

Ever have those days where you just want to go back to bed?

Sometime over this past weekend, I managed to catch whatever sickness my kids have been passing around and I have to tell you that it has pretty much taken me down.

I'm tired of coughing (I have a very loud cough) every 5 minutes and having every time I sneeze look like some long lost footage from one of the Ghostbusters movies (ok... gross, I know).

I'm in this constant state of going from a "night time so you can sleep medicine" to pain relievers and nose spray during the day... ewwwww.

Being sick is bad enough, but it just so happens that this week involves me playing at a worship conference and singing in a wedding for my boss's daughter!! Not to mention the various family activities such as soccer games and practices for the kids.

Ok... that's enough for now.



Jason said...

I know what your going through... except for having to play at a worship conference and sing in a wedding. uh... All my family have tonsillitis, sinus infection and or bronchitis... they all, including my wife, are on anti-biotic, I fear I'm next.

Jim Coates said...

Hope everyone is feeling better soon!! Whatever has been going around has not been fun.
