Monday, May 19, 2008

Conviction, The Holy Spirit And Hot Dogs

This past Friday afternoon, I had the pleasure of lunch with a friend and coworker of mine. Granted, I normally get to eat lunch on Fridays with my coworkers, but this particular Friday it was just me and Jeff... and when its just me and Jeff, we tend to eat less healthy foods than usual. Friday's choice was a favorite of mine - the Flying Wienie in Cedar Rapids.

For those 10 or 20 of you that actually own a Just William CD, we actually featured a cup with the Flying Wienie logo in one of the pictures on the inside of the CD cover.

The food was of course excellent, but the conversation was nice too.

Jeff is a very intelligent man... far smarter than I am. His office is immaculate - mine usually looks like a series of small tornadoes attacked some cross of a music store, a Mt. Dew factory and a home office. His lawn is nicely manicured - mine doesn't need mowing, because the dandelions have such pretty flowers and it would be a shame to cut them all to pieces.

All additional Felix Ungar/Oscar Madison comparisons aside, Jeff and I share a love for the arts and I believe both of us have hearts for being obedient toward God's will.

I appreciated the time of being able to bounce my scattered rants past Jeff and see where that directed the conversation.

To say that life has been crazy lately, would be an understatement. To claim that my heart isn't being torn in two over many situations, would be less than honest. To state that I desire clarity of direction from God, would be far too mild... but in the midst of it all, I praise God for conversations such as the one this past Friday. Conversations where smarter men than I reassure me that my convictions aren't crazy.

I've had several of those lately... this past week with Jeff, a few weeks back when Ashley and I met John and Sharon in Dubuque, a phone call here and there from my friend Paul and several late night talks with my wife, Ashley.

So... why on earth the title of this particular post? Well, its simple: Godly conviction, the work of the Holy Spirit and Flying Wienie hot dogs have all shared a special place in my heart this past week... I also can't seem to get my fill of any of them.. and they all seem better when shared with a friend.

Grab a friend and go down to the Flying Wienie. Order up a "double play" (two dogs Chicago style) and sit back and ask each other what it is God wants to communicate in and through our lives. Trust me, it makes for an enjoyable and thought provoking afternoon.

In Him,


Anonymous said...

Dude...That's what I hear on the other end of the line when I call, and yet, I'm cool with it :)
Sometimes life seems to make about as much sense as the meat within that hotdog you're eating. The musing thought is that although you can't be sure what it is you're really eating, you can be sure that you will walk away knowing that something (someone) has filled you up today. Yeah, it might not be a powershake or a 3-course meal, but does it change the fact that memories are made over these oddly shaped meat sticks in a bun??? Not at all my friend, not at all...

I'm praying for you man!

Anonymous said...

I forgot to put my name... HA HA!
That last blog comment was from me!
