Friday, April 6, 2007

Let me introduce myself...

Welcome to The Barefoot Servant.

Everyone in the blog world thinks that they have the answers to life's tough questions. You can pretty much find advice about anything and everything if you are willing to look hard enough. Opinions run rampant as to what the "correct" point of view is on just about every issue under the sun.

I want this blog to be something more... something deeper.

I don't want this to be about telling you how I've mastered everything in life and how you can do the same by following my advice. To the contrary, I want to share what it is I'm learning and what it is I've both struggled with and succeeded at. A place for us all to converse and share.

You might wonder why I used this particular name. The answer is actually pretty simple: The idea of a barefoot servant captures two mindsets that I believe are important.

The first one is being a servant to God and others in all that we do. We have been gifted in ways that allow us to uniquely contribute to our families, churches and our society.

The second one is the idea that I am who I am, barefoot before my God. That is to say that fancy clothes (or shoes!), a nice haircut and a massive vocabulary don't change how God sees me. In light of that, I need not be ashamed to stand barefoot before Him scars and all.

I hope what you read here you will find encouraging, thought-provoking and sometimes just plain fun.

In Him,

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